Integrated Approaches to Complex Care Essay Question

Pictorial or graphical representation of a complex patient/services user’s care journey and supporting essay

Essay Questions;

Develop a pictorial or graphical representation (e.g., a poster, mind map or Gantt chart) depicting the care journey or involvement with health and care agencies, of a patient/service user you have cared for in practice with complex needs. This will demonstrate the relationships and main issues associated with these interactions.

  • Demonstrating roles, and responsibilities of all members of the multi-disciplinary Team (MDT)
  • Awareness of different types of team working

The supporting 1500-word essay should identify the rationale for choosing the patient/service user journey, critique the key elements of your pictorial representation, apply relevant regulatory, policy and legal frameworks and critically explore the relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user.

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Assessment Criteria

In this piece of work, you will be expected to:

Proportion of marks allocated

Provide a pictorial or graphical representation of a care journey

You will have:

•           Chosen a style of pictorial or graphical representation which effectively demonstrates the care journey of a patient/service user with complex care needs

•           Used all fonts and diagrams effectively for visual impact

•           Clearly depicted the patient/service user’s care journey in a logical style.


Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly


You will have:

·          Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion

·          Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion



View Sample Graphical Representation of a Care Journey for a Breast Cancer Patient   



 Identify the Patient/Service User and their complex care needs

You will have:

•           Identified and introduced the patient/service user with complex care needs from your own practice experience

•           Recognised core care needs requiring multi-agency care input

•           Clearly identified and discussed interprofessional and collaborative working depicting an awareness of different types of team working


Application of evidence and guidance

You will have:

·         Established a critical rationale for relevant policies or frameworks chosen to support the patient/service user’s journey

·         Considered the role of patient/service user choice and the role of advocacy

·         Demonstrated knowledge of relevant legal, regulatory and policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines


Critique relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user

You will have:

  • Critically evaluated outcomes of the care for patient/service user and their family and carers

·         Reflected on your role in managing the patient/service user’s journey through complex care

  • Recommended actions for developing future nursing practice in complex care management




HS3015 Marking Rubric - Graphical or Pictorial Representation of a Complex Care Journey and Supporting Essay


Overall grade


Very good





Mark Awarded



Design of pictorial representation










Patient/Service User care journey is presented effectively using appropriate graphical or pictorial tools.


The presentation has clear visual impact and messaging. Follows a logical stepwise progression.


Fonts and diagrams used effectively 

Appropriate graphical or pictorial tools are used to present the patient/ service user journey.



Presentation is effective with a logical progression


Fonts and diagrams used to good effect for visual impact



Reasonable use of graphical and pictorial tools to identify the patient/service user’s care journey


Some areas may be missing, incomplete or lack logical progression


Fonts and diagrams used appropriately for visual impact




Fair use of graphical and pictorial tools to represent the patient/service user’s care journey


Some areas of logical progression, but items missing or unclear in meaning


Fonts and diagrams used may not always lend themselves to visual impact


The medium chosen does not convey the care journey of the patient/service user.


Lacks logical progression of most ideas


Fonts and diagrams lack visual impact

The medium chosen does not convey the care journey of the patient/service user or does not identify a suitable case.


Lacks logical progression of ideas


Fonts and diagrams may not be used appropriately


Citation practice











All references accurate and complete using City guidelines (within text and in reference list)

City guidelines used. 

Minor inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list. 

City guidelines used. 

Some inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list. 

City guidelines used 

Several inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list. 

City guidelines may not be used. 

Numerous inaccuracies in citation practice within text and reference list/ or reference list missing. 

No citations within text and/or reference list missing


Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly










Professionally presented work that is logically developed.

Spelling and grammar correct, with very good academic style.

Very good use of peer reviewed sources.


Professionally presented work that is logically developed. A few minor spelling and/or grammatical errors may be evident. Good academic style. Good use of peer reviewed sources.


Professionally presented work. Essay is well structured but lacks logical development in places. Spelling and/or grammatical errors may be evident. Fair academic style. Reasonable use of peer reviewed sources.


Work is clearly presented, but logical/coherent development of ideas is not always evident.

Spelling and/or grammatical errors may be included. Satisfactory academic style. Use of some peer reviewed sources.


Logical and coherent development is not evident within the essay.

Numerous spelling and/or grammatical errors may be present. Weak academic style. Lack of use of peer reviewed sources.

No attempt at logical and coherent development


Identification of Patient/Service User and their complex care needs









Effectively identifies a patient/service user with complex care needs

Recognises core care needs and multi-agency care input required in the case

Comprehensive presentation of interprofessional and collaborative team working, in relation to the case presented

Identifies a patient/service user with complex care needs. Minor aspects may be missing.


Recognises core care needs and multi-agency care input required

Strong presentation of interprofessional and collaborative team working, in relation to the case presented

Identifies a relevant patient/service user with complex care needs. Some aspects may not have been considered or errors noted.

Sound level of knowledge of interprofessional and collaborative team working, some content may be of a more generic nature. 

Identifies a relevant patient/service user with complex care needs. The care journey portrayed may lack some aspects.

Broad understanding demonstrated but may include some irrelevant or inaccurate information around interprofessional and collaborative team working.

Identifies a patient/service user with less complex care, includes some irrelevant content.


Some aspects of the care journey may have been overlooked.

Basic level of understanding of interprofessional and collaborative team working. Some important element/s missing and /or some areas of inaccuracy.

A relevant patient/service user with complex care needs is not identified.


Most aspects of the care journey may have been overlooked.

Poor knowledge of interprofessional and collaborative team working. Major omissions or inaccuracies evident.


Application of Evidence/ Guidance










Establishes a critical rationale for the use of relevant policies and frameworks

Clearly considers the role of patient/service user choice and the role of advocacy.

Excellent discussion of relevant legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines.

Establishes a clear rationale for the use of relevant policies and frameworks

Clearly considers the role of patient/service user choice and the role of advocacy.

Good discussion of relevant legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines.

The rationale for the use of relevant policies and frameworks is evident.

The role of patient/service user choice and the role of advocacy is introduced.

Discussion of relevant legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines may lack clarity or miss minor aspects of content.

The rationale is under-developed.

The role of patient/service user choice and the concept of advocacy are identified but not always developed effectively. 

Relevant legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines are introduced but not explored but discussion is lacking

There are limited attempts to address the use of relevant policies and frameworks

The role of patient/service user choice and the concept of advocacy are not developed effectively. 

Legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines referred to are not explored and discussion is lacking

Fails to grasp the importance of relevant policies and frameworks in providing complex care for individuals.

Does not address the role of patient/service user choice and the concept of advocacy.

Legal, regulatory, policy and ethical frameworks and guidelines referred to are absent


Understanding relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user










Clear identification of core personnel and their roles in the care pathway


Critically discusses relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user is evident


Own role identified and critiqued leading to clear recommendations for practice


Identifies core personnel and their roles in the care pathway


Some critical discussion of relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user


Own role identified but recommendations for practice limited


Identifies core personnel and their roles in the care pathway


Discusses relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user


Own role identified but recommendations for practice limited


Identifies some personnel and their roles in the care pathway


Identifies some relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user


Own role identified but recommendations for practice limited


Identifies some core personnel and their roles in the care pathway


Lack of clarity in discussing relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user


Own role and recommendations for future practice unclear

Fails to identify core personnel and their roles in the care pathway


No discussion of relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user

Does not address own role or learning from the case



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