Using Punctuations

Punctuation might be puzzling to various students as there is such a lot to consider; however learning small-sized nuggets of information on a consistent basis assures that the student retains what he has learned and has simplicity of recall when the information is necessary.
A full stop (.) must come always at the end of the sentence. A full stop also comes after initials, such as G.W. as in G.W. Bush. Abbreviations necessitate a full stop, such as info., St., Rd., Dr. Full stops are used within concluding quotation marks, “You can quote me on that.” A comma (,) should forever be in position to divide items in a list, such as the punctuation in the subsequent sentence: They painted the shed green, purple and orange.
A colon (:) used after a sentence elaborates on that sentence by interpreting or explaining in depth the sentence that proceeds. Only capitalize after a colon if it is a proper noun or the beginnings of a whole sentence.Colons are positioned on the outside of quotation marks. The newspaper told of what the crisis, in an already destitute, poverty-stricken, third-world country meant, by reporting that Manila was suffering a "Rice Hike": Rice prices in Manila have been rising at an alarming rate, fast becoming out of financial reach of the starving masses in the slums with prices reaching 95 cents a kilo (2.2 pounds).Colons are also used for dialogue after the name of a character in a play.
A question mark (?) is used after a question, such as, "How did you find Grammarholic?" or when a question is part statement and part question, "We're going to use Grammarholic, aren't we?"
An exclamation point is used to convey excitement and emotion, such as in the sentence that follows: "Quick! There is a car coming!"