Where to Place Capital Letters in Literature Review Titles

The first step is to consider ideas for your title. Once you have a few rough ideas in place, you can modify the wording, word count and placement. For example, the title 'How to Change a Motorbike Tyre'. This title contains six words and is self-explanatory.
The second step; when selecting which words to place a capital letter at the front of, you must first understand what words do not need capital letters. Words such as 'and', 'if', 'to', 'a', 'in'. These are connective words, they link sentences together and it is not compulsory to provide capital letters within these words.
The final step is to understand how to arrange your words. If your title starts with a connective word, such as 'A' then it must be a capital letter. If it appears before the word 'Motorbike' for example, it is considered a connective word and not required to be a capital.
Capitals for Literature Review Titles
Capital words must always be present on objects, things, people, names of locations and important words. Take the title of this article for example 'Where to Place Capital Letters in Literature Review Titles'. All of the important, descriptive and informative words possess capitals, whereas all of the connective words are lower case.
This is considered the standard formatting technique for creating and modifying titles and is used across multiple requirements, from titling a book, to captioning a chapter name within a book. Ensuring that you use correct grammatical placement will benefit your Literature Review's appearance and enhance the reading value greatly.