Criminal Litigation - Grammarholic
Criminal Litigation - Grammarholic

Criminal Litigation


Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Criminal Litigation Questions

In July 2017 Lord Justice Jackson published his review of fixed recoverable costs in civil litigation cases.

Did this report make a forceful case for fixed recoverable costs in lower value cases in England and Wales or is the criticism, particularly from Claimant law firms, justified? In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. A brief summary of the historic basis and rationale for introducing fixed recoverable costs in civil litigation cases;

2. The key proposals suggested by Lord Justice Jackson and the Government response, to include, for example, the provisions in any draft legislation;

3. How these will impact on Claimant law firms;

4. Discuss whether you think the changes are justified.

5. In the case study of R v Nicholas, you are his legal representative, a paralegal at Laws R Us LLP. Write a letter to your client, Nicholas Marston. You
are writing to him to explain what will happen at the first hearing of his case when he will enter a plea of not guilty and a decision will be made about whether the trial will take place in either the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court. In particular you must advise him about whether his trial should take place in the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown court and why you are giving this advice. Nicholas must understand what the procedure is at the first hearing. 

As this is a letter to your client it is not appropriate to provide footnotes but this letter must be written in your own words contained in your bibliography placed after your answer to question 2.

Question 2

You work for a firm of solicitors, Laws R Us LLP, as a paralegal. Your firm acts for Karen
Golightly who is seeking advice about her arrest by the police.

Your supervising solicitor has taken Karen’s instructions and drafted a statement which
Karen has signed. This statement sets out Karen’s version of events in relation to what
happened before and after her arrest.

Your supervising solicitor has asked you to produce a written analysis of Karen’s
statement identifying any possible breaches of the law by the police.

Your supervising solicitor has also asked you are asked to also comment on the
behaviour of the duty lawyer, Mr Smith.


Contemporary issues in Business and Management - Grammarholic
Contemporary issues in Business and Management - Grammarholic

Contemporary issues in Business and Management


Contemporary Issues in Business and Management Report Sample

Business Management.


Learning Outcomes;


  • Debate and defend personal perspectives on contemporary business management issues.
  • Identify and critically evaluate the impact of contemporary issues on organisations.
  • Critically analyse contemporary issues in the field of business, management and leadership.

Modern Day Management and Leadership Report Task

Use the contemporary issue identified for your report.

The focus on the report should be underpinned by your understanding and in-depth application of management and leadership perspectives. Your audience should be the external stakeholders of your organisational choice.

Report Scenario

Organisations require a continuous understanding of current global issues in business. These issues and events shape, change and impact all organisations regardless of size, sector, age, span and location. Your briefing paper should demonstrate an eclectic range of perspectives drawing on previous knowledge to identify contemporary issues within the increasingly global environment in which they operate. 

Report Briefing Note

Management briefing paper on a range on contemporary issues.  You are to identify a range of issues and choose one to critically analyse and evaluate the impact it has on your chosen organisation.  The briefing paper should offer both a critical and balanced approach to the issue. Your report should contain your personal, justified views on how the issue could be managed.  Your choice of organisation and issue to be debated should be agreed with your tutor.   Your audience should be the senior managers in your chosen organisation.   Your briefing paper should cover learning outcome 1, 2, & 4. 


Hospitality Management Studies - Grammarholic
Hospitality Management Studies - Grammarholic

Hospitality Management Studies


Hospitality Management Individual Report Sample

Hospitality Management Studies, CHTM27

Learning Outcomes;

  • Advanced knowledge of the structure and operation of the hospitality industry in a global context
  • Critical understanding of the characteristics of hospitality production and consumption
  • In-depth awareness of the range of impacts of hospitality businesses
  • The ability to critically appraise the development and management of hospitality through the use of local, national, and international case studies.

Report Question

This assessment affords you the opportunity to undertake research on a hospitality organisation of your choice, in order to analyse the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations (LO 1, 2, 3).

You are required to;

  • Critically analyse the nature, structure and core operations of a hospitality organisation.
  • Analyse the design of products and processes within the hospitality organisation.
  • Critically evaluate the impact of the hospitality operations on customer satisfaction and business success.
  • Critically appraise the development and management of the hospitality business evaluated in your report and make suitable recommendations for improvements to effectively manage the operations in hospitality industry (LO 4).


Project Management and Risk, Project Plan - Grammarholic
Project Management and Risk, Project Plan - Grammarholic

Project Management and Risk, Project Plan


Public Health Report Sample

Learning Outcomes;

  • Critically evaluate different approaches to the management of projects, key dimensions of contractual risks and risk management strategies
  • Distinguish between types of projects and the responsibilities of those involved
  • Identify, apply and critically evaluate legal and non-legal solutions to minimise risk
  • Apply principles of leading and managing project teams to solve complex problems

Project Plan


The Health Foundation, 2020. Improving pressure damage detection in the community using continuous pressure monitoring. [Online]. Available at: improvement-projects/improving-pressure-damage-detection-in-the-community-usingcontinuous-pressure (Accessed: 22.01.20).

Using a scenario, prepare a project plan which addresses the following:


Task 1: Critically discuss the rationale and project scope and analyse the project life cycle and methodologies best suited to the project. Discuss the different types of risks (including contractual risks) that may potentially derail the project scope. Recommend risk management strategies to mitigate them.

Task 2: Using a Mendelow matrix, map the relative/power interest of key stakeholders in your project, discuss, in detail, the role and responsibilities of at least 3 of the key stakeholders identified. Are there any comparisons to draw with projects of a similar nature in the local authority, England or beyond?

(N/B: ensure your Mendelow matrix is added as part of your work and not as an appendix) 

Task 3: Evaluate the legal and non-legal solutions you will put in place to minimise risks in the project.

Task 4: Critically discuss how team development theories such as Tuckman and McClelland could be used to support the team deliver on the project’s goal.

Strategic Business Impact - Grammarholic
Strategic Business Impact - Grammarholic

Strategic Business Impact


Strategic Business Impact Report Sample


 Learning Outcomes;


  • 1

    Critically examine stakeholder models of management and governance



    Apply methods for analysing the external business environment



    Evaluate the impact that globalisation may have on contemporary business practice and performance.


Report Questions

You are asked to clearly outline the main facets of Marriott’s strategy and show clear understanding of the various influencing factors, globally. You will need to:


  • Identify the various business and products offered  
  • Critically examine their importance and power by using appropriate theories, and state how they may influence the decisions of the executive.
  • Critique the external forces that make the organisation adopt their specific strategic focus in order to stand out from the competition.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of globalisation on the strategic decisions of Marriott. How has globalisation helped the brand expand in the way it is expanding at the moment?


Since the 2016 merger with Starwood, Marriott Hotels are now the largest hotel company in the world with over 1 million rooms. With an international portfolio they are always looking for investment opportunities. They contain a diverse range of lifestyle branded products that differentiates between a very varied customer bases.

As in many hospitality organisations they have a young international staff who are keen to explore new challenges. The company is looking to position themselves as a leading hospitality provider that meets the expectations of travellers attracted by atypical brands with strong personalities. They have a mission to make restaurants and bars the heart and soul of their hotels with restauranteurs, delivering food and drink experiences that are excellent, relevant and authentic.


They reward loyal guests. Their loyalty programmes (Bonvoy) are amongst the largest in the world and this is aimed to expand even further to build an even more profitable relationships between their hotels and guests.

You are asked to clearly outline the main facets of Marriott’s strategy and show clear understanding of the various influencing factors, globally. You will need to:


  • Identify the various business and products offered  
  • Critically examine their importance and power by using appropriate theories, and state how they may influence the decisions of the executive.
  • Critique the external forces that make the organisation adopt their specific strategic focus in order to stand out from the competition.

Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of globalisation on the strategic decisions of Marriott. How has globalisation helped the brand expand in the way it is expanding at the moment?


Researching Crime and Deviance - Grammarholic
Researching Crime and Deviance - Grammarholic

Researching Crime and Deviance


Researching Crime and Deviance Essay Sample

Criminology and Youth Studies, SC4003

1. Provide an overview of one of the pieces of research (cover the aims, research method(s) and findings) and discuss the ethical issues encountered


2. Referring to another piece of research, describe the research method(s) employed and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this/these method(s)


3. You have been commissioned to conduct a follow up study on one of the pieces of research presented during the lecture series. You have unlimited expenses. Provide a proposal for your research.


State your aim(s), why the proposed research is relevant in the field of criminology, what research method(s) you would employ, the type of challenges you expect to encounter and how you would address these.



Service Operations Management - Grammarholic
Service Operations Management - Grammarholic

Service Operations Management


Essay Sample

Business and Healthcare Management, MOD004055

You have been hired as a junior investigation officer by Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice to investigate the reasons for the practice being rated as ‘inadequate’. Your investigation should address the following three questions.

Q1: Using Maxwell’s dimensions of service quality, explain the problems currently experienced by Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice. (30 Marks) 700 words


• Knowledge and understanding of the issues currently being experienced by Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice

• Ability to conduct valid and relevant research

• Ability to extract relevant information and draw balanced conclusions

Q2: Analyse and conclude whether Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice has capable and competent staff to improve the quality of service delivery. (30 Marks) 600 words


• Knowledge and understanding of capabilities, competences and philosophy

• Ability to conduct valid and relevant research

• Ability to extract relevant information and draw balanced conclusions

Q3: Assess the possible impacts that one of the following techniques could have on Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice in terms of delivering consistent and effective quality management. (30 Marks) 700 words!Kaizen Or!Key Performance Indicators (KPI)


• Knowledge and understanding of the technique that will enable Dr Shabir Bhatti’s practice in delivering consistent and effective quality management

• Ability to conduct valid and relevant research

• Ability to extract relevant information, make recommendations and draw balanced conclusions References list Harvard style (10 marks)



Business Processes - Grammarholic
Business Processes - Grammarholic

Business Processes


Business Processes Report Sample

Accounting and Finance.

Learning Outcomes;

  • Appraise the effectiveness of different approaches to quality management within different organisational contexts.
  • Identify principles of effective project management.
  • Assess organisational and business processes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Analyse service/organisational improvements and opportunities for innovation and growth.
  • Debate issues concerning the definition and measurement of project success

Report Question

Using an organisation that you are familiar with, (this could be a current employer, past employer or an organisation you can research on the internet), carry out the following pieces of analysis and tasks-though not all of them require reference to your chosen organisation.

1. Identify and describe the approaches to quality management undertaken by your chosen organisation, compare these approaches to one other organisation and appraise the effectiveness of your chosen organisation’s quality management. (800 words) (20 marks) ( LO: 1) 2.

a) Discuss different approaches to the measurement of project success. (8 marks)

b) Identify principles and examples of effective project management and discuss how these can contribute to different elements or definitions of project success. (17 marks) (1,000 words) (25 marks) (LOs: 2 & 5) 3.

a) Discuss different techniques with which processes within an organisation might be analysed and improved.

Discuss how you might apply one or more of these techniques to a process within your chosen organisation. (10 marks) (1,400 words)

International Business and Globalisation - Grammarholic
International Business and Globalisation - Grammarholic

International Business and Globalisation


International Business and Globalisation Report Sample

Business Management.


Learning Outcomes;


Appraise the importance and impact of global trade and globalisation.

Demonstrate an in-depth awareness of contrasting international markets in the context of international business decision making.

Analyse and critically evaluate the pattern of internationalisation undertaken by international businesses.

Critically apply appropriate knowledge, theories and tools to help formulate a range of alternative solutions to practical problems in planning for different international markets.


Report Introduction

Global challenges is one of the most important issues that modern organisations are facing or will face in order to expand their business.  Free movement, growth of brands, changes in technology, population changes and labour costs are just a few of the challenges that modern organisations face in order to maintain market share.   

Task: Going Global

You are required to write a 3000 word report on the opportunities that a global operation could provide an organisation with. 

Your choice of organisation should currently only operate in the UK or in Europe.  The audience is your chosen organisations Operations Director who is keen to scope out expansion opportunities and understand the implications of such action. 

You are to agree your chosen organisation with your tutor during Tutorial.  You must not use the same organisations from the previous assignment.   In this report, you should cover learning outcomes 1, 4, 5 and 6.


Introduction to Behaviour Change - Grammarholic
Introduction to Behaviour Change - Grammarholic

Introduction to Behaviour Change


Essay Sample

Public Health, OMED 1323 Education, Health & Human Sciences


Learning Outcomes;


  • Understand the increasing importance of health-related behaviour change;
  • Demonstrate an awareness of health-related behaviour change theories in the context of public health;
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the use behaviour change theory in public health policy; and how this may or may not address behaviours formed as part of primary and secondary socialisation.

Essay Guide

The 1000 word essay allows students to be able to articulate the theories and applications of behaviour change in a structured way that is a transferable skill and a necessary skill within public health.

  • Guidelines for the assessment

Choose a public health policy and explore how it may be underpinned by and promotes, behaviour change theory and behaviour change.

Suggested Structure

The word count for each section should be used as a rough guide:

  • 100 words - Introduction – Here you introduce your subject (health related behaviour) before you described what the reader can expect in the rest of your essay
  • 200 words – increasing importance of health-related behaviour change in public health
  • 250 words – presentation of health-related behaviour change theories in the context of public health
  • 350 words - use behaviour change theory in public health policy and how this may or may not address behaviours formed as part of primary and secondary socialisation
  •  100 words – Conclusion - Here you just need to summarise briefly what you have said in the main body of your work above to confirm that what you set out at the start in your introduction has indeed been completed. No new information should be in this section.


Strategic Marketing Evaluation - Grammarholic
Strategic Marketing Evaluation - Grammarholic

Strategic Marketing Evaluation


Report Sample

Business Management.


Learning Outcomes;

  • Critical understanding of advanced marketing strategy and its significance in variety of contexts (global and local)
  • Assessment of the drivers affecting choice and implementation of marketing strategy
  • Evaluation and application of appropriate theories and models underpinning the strategic marketing process in an organisation
  • Evaluation of strategic options and planning of effective strategic marketing programmes for survival and sustenance of different organisations (public sector and private sector)
  • Analysis of strategic marketing context and critical evaluation of challenges to successful Strategic Marketing

    Strategic Marketing Evaluation Question

    By building on your understanding of strategic marketing theory and undertaking secondary research into the company, market and sector, you are required to analyse BYD’s Energy’s marketing strategy, evaluate its success and examine its strategic marketing options, planning & challenges in the future.

    To underpin your analysis of the company’s strategic marketing you must APPLY selected elements of theory covered in this module – note you must determine which are critically important to the company’s success and focus on these.

    You must:

    Apply appropriate strategic marketing theory and models to examine the sector, the market and the company using suitable academic articles and texts.

    Apply appropriate strategic marketing theory and models to evaluate the challenges facing the company in the future using suitable academic articles and texts.

Business and company Law - Grammarholic
Business and company Law - Grammarholic

Business and company Law


Business and Company Law Report Sample

ACCOUNTING & FINANCE, The English legal system


Question One

In relation to the English legal system distinguish between the following:

(a) Criminal law

(b) Civil law

Question Two

(a)Briefly describe the main courts in the English Legal System

(b) Explain the matters within the jurisdiction of the County Court

Question Three

Explain the distinction between the following terms in relation to the doctrine of precedent in the English legal system:

(a) Ratio decidendi and obiter dictum

(b) Reversing, overruling and distinguishing

Question Four

Explain what is meant by the following terms

(a) Common law

(b) Equity law

General principles of the law of contract

Question Five

Explain in relation to the law of contract the difference between the essential elements of a

contract and the matters that affect the validity of a contract.

Question Six.

Explain the presumptions relating to intention to create legal relations with respect to:

(a) Domestic and social agreements

(b) Business arrangements

Question Seven

In relation to contract law:

(a) Define and explain consideration.

 (b) Explain the fact that consideration must be sufficient but does not have to be adequate.

Question Eight

 In relation to contract law explain the meaning and effect of:

(a) The rules relating to an acceptance of an offer

(b) The rules relating to a revocation of an offer

Question Nine

In relation to the contents of a contract explain the following:

(a) Conditions

(b) Warranties

(c) Innominate terms

Question Ten

In relation to agreed damages for breach of contract, distinguish between liquidated damages a

penalty clause.

Question Eleven

Explain the common law and equitable remedies for breach of contract.

Question Twelve

Explain the circumstances when the party to a contract may be able to rely on an exemption


Question Thirteen

Lorraine, who has recently lost her expensive wrist watch at the Central University, put the following advertisement on the Students. Notice Board: “Lost. Expensive Swiss wrist watch with the initials LW. £100 reward for information leading to the recovery of the wrist watch..” Jade read the notice and decided to search for the wrist watch. After two days searching she found the wrist watch. Unknown to her, Lorraine had put a second notice on the Students Notice Board the day before, withdrawing the offer of the reward.

Advise Jade.

Question Fourteen

Mr Green placed an advert in a local car magazine stating that he was interested in a purchase of a van. On 5th January Mr Jones called him stating that he was able to sell Mr Green a van for

£3,000 in cash provided that Mr Green made up his mind quickly and responded to him in

writing by 15th January. On 6th January Mr Green posted a letter of acceptance by second class

post to Mr Jones agreeing to purchase the van for £3,000 in cash. However, Mr Jones decided to change his mind and sell the car to Ms Bell for £3,500. Mr Jones faxed his withdrawal on 7th

January but Mr Green was on holiday and was unable to read the fax. Upon his return, Mr Green demanded the immediate delivery of “his” van from Mr Jones.

Advise Mr Jones

Question Fifteen

Mike decided to sell his car. On 1 May, he placed an advertisement in the Daily Moon

“VW GTI 2000 for sale. Only one previous owner. Serious enquiries from people with £3,000 to spend. First come, first serve. Telephone my agent, Peter, on Tel 67318 if you wish to buy my car.”

Is there a valid contract between Mike and Mary in each of the following situations?

 (a) Mary saw the advertisement and writes to Mike agreeing to buy Mike’s car at the asking

price. The letter is delayed in the post and Mike sells the car elsewhere.

(b) Mary sends an e-mail to Mike agreeing to buy Mike’s car at the asking price.


Question A/T

What must a claimant in an action for negligence prove?

Question B/T

In order to prove a duty of care what elements must be demonstrated?

Question C/T

Explain the meaning of the term ‘vicarious liability’. Under what circumstances will an existing liability not be upheld?

Question D/T

Explain the findings of the court in the case of Hedley Byrne v Heller (1963).

Question E/T

Consider and make notes on the likely nature and standard of the duty of care expected of the following people in the course of their day to day commercial/professional activities:

  • A solicitor
  • A barrister
  • An accountant
  • A police officer
  • A fire-fighter
  • A paramedic
  • A newspaper seller
  • A baker
  • A carpenter.
  • An estate-agent
  • A retail bank manager

Agency and Partnership

Question Sixteen

(a) Discuss how an agency relationship can be created with reference to the relevant case law.

(b) Rod, Indra and Zafer are partners in a firm of accountants. The capital for the firm was provided by Rod, but he took no active part in the running of the firm. The partnership agreement provided that no partner can borrow money exceeding £30,000 for the firm without the consent of the other partners. Zafer has just resigned as partner from the firm. Four days after Zafer’s resignation, Indra borrowed £50,000 without Rod’s consent from Financing Ltd.

Advise Rod and Zafer of their potential liability to Financing Ltd. for the loan

Question Seventeen

In relation to partnership law, describe the liability of partners for partnership debts within:

(a) An unlimited (traditional) partnership

(b) A limited partnership

(c) A limited liability partnership

Question Eighteen

In relation to partnership firms, distinguish the following:

  • AB & Co;

 (b) AB LP;

 (c) AB LLP.


Question Nineteen

In relation to employment law explain the meaning of redundancy and how redundancy

compensation is assessed.

Question Twenty

Critically explain the difference between the contract of service and contract for services with

reference to the relevant case law.

Question Twenty One

Explain and illustrate the following terms in the area of employment law:

(a) Unfair dismissal

(b)The remedies available to a person who successfully brings a claim for unfair


(c) In general terms, what duties do employers and employees owe to each other

The Company Form

Question Twenty Two

Compare and contrast a registered company with a traditional partnership as a form of business organisation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each business form?

Question Twenty Three

In the context of company law explain:

(a)The doctrine of separate personality and its consequences

(b) The circumstances under which the doctrine will be ignored

The Formation and Constitution of a company

Question Twenty Four

In relation to corporate law, explain the documentation necessary to register a new company

under the Companies Act 2006.

Question Twenty Five

Explain in relation to the formation of a company:

(a) Promoter

(b) Pre-incorporation contract.

Question Twenty Six

Explain the meaning and effect of a company’s articles of association including:

(a) The nature of model articles of association

(b) The effect of the articles on both members and non-members

Question Twenty Seven

Explain in relation to company law:

  • the doctrine of capital maintenance

(b) the circumstances under which both a private and a public limited company can reduce its capital, and the procedures through which this can be done

 Question Twenty Eight

Explain the restrictions imposed by the law on the choice of a company name. How may an

existing name of a company be changed?

Question Twenty Nin

A friend of yours is forming a limited company but she is unsure how to proceed. Advise her as


 (a) What details must be given in an application for registration of a company limited

by shares

(b) What documents other than an application form must be delivered to the Registrar

when forming a company?

(c) The limitations on names that may be adopted by a company.

Capital and financing of companies

Question Thirty

In relation to company law explain:

(a) Ordinary shares

(b) Preference shares

(c)Debentures (loan notes)

Question Thirty One

In relation to company law explain:

(a) Debenture

(b) Fixed charge

(b) Floating charge

Question Thirty Two

With regard to the rules relating to company dividends explain:

(a) How dividends may be properly funded

(b) The rules which apply to public limited companies

(c) The consequences of any dividend being paid in breach of these rules.

Question Thirty Three

 Sawyer Ltd. is a large company specialising in the manufacture of computer software. The recession has now ended and the company intends to raise additional finance to expand its activities. The directors are told that such finance can be  raised by issuing additional shares to the Ambitious Merchant Bank. What procedural requirements must they satisfy before they can issue the new shares?

Company meetings

Question Thirty Four

 Within the context of company general meetings:

(a) Who has the power to call meetings?

(b) How are votes taken?

Question Thirty Five

In relation to private companies, explain the meaning of, and the procedure for passing, the


  • An ordinary resolution

(b) A special resolution

  • A written resolution

Management and administration of a company

Question Thirty Six

Explain the general duties of company directors

Question Thirty Seven

George has just been appointed as an alternate director of Omega plc. George went to a business meeting on behalf of the company where he met Jack who told him about a lucrative business opportunity. George would like to take advantage of this opportunity in his personal capacity but is wondering whether he is allowed to do so. Additionally, Omega Ltd is proposing to purchase a property owned by George. George is aware that the property is only worth £300,000 but that the company’s auditor made a mistake and valued it at £500,000.

Advise George as to his legal position explaining what you understand by the term alternate director.

Question Thirty Eight

In company law explain:

(a) How a director of a company may be appointed

(b) How a director may be removed from his/her position

Question Thirty Nine

Explain the role of the company auditor, paying particular attention to an auditor’s:

(a) Qualification and Appointment

(b) Rights and duties

(c) Role in Corporate Governance

Question Forty

The 2006 Companies Act changed the rules as regards Company Secretaries. Explain:

(a) How Company Secretaries are appointed

(b) The duties and powers of a Company Secretary in a Public Limited Company

Practice questions

1. Sania runs a seaside restaurant which is only open at week-ends in the summer. She uses Andy to supply and deliver all the fresh meat, fish and vegetables to the restaurant on a Thursday afternoon, in readiness for the chef on Friday morning. Last Thursday, Andy’s car broke down and he failed to deliver the fresh ingredients. Andy refused to deliver on Friday, unless his payment was increased to cover the cost of hiring a van for the special journey. Sania agreed to pay Andy an extra £200 and Andy delivered the food late on Friday afternoon.

Unfortunately, Sania’s chef, Pat, said he would not be able to prepare the food in time without extra help, and so Sania promised John and Tom, the two kitchen assistants, an additional £30 each if the restaurant opened on time on Friday evening. The evening was a great success and a new booking was taken for a large private party. Sania then said she would given Pat a bonus for all his hard work. On the Saturday, Sania decides not to meet any of these promises.


Can either Andy, John and Tom or Pat enforce Sania’s promises?

2. Hilda ran a business in Bristol which specialised in printing posters for exhibitions and trade shows. Jack and Stan have both worked for Hilda for the past three years. They were both described as self-employed and paid Tax and National Insurance as self- employed persons. Hilda provided the entire specialist printing equipment and work overalls for them. Jack was required to work solely on the jobs provided by Hilda and had to attend her premises every weekday from 8am until 4.30pm and was frequently supervised. Jack was sometimes required to work paid overtime and felt obliged to do this. Stan, who designed the exhibition posters usually worked from home and also undertook his own private commissions. Stan would sometimes arrange for some of the work for Hilda’s business to be done by his friend, Eddie. Hilda has recently lost her most important contract which Jack had been exclusively working on and has told Jack that he is no longer required. Hilda has also decided to relocate to London to be nearer her remaining clients and so has told Stan that he will have to find other work too. 


(a) How do the courts decide whether someone is an employee or self-employed?

(b) Explain, and justify, which category Stan and Jack will fall into. 

3. Ted and Gordon are in partnership. They seek your advice, concerning whether they should trade as a private limited company instead. They are a small firm and they make substantial profits. They are particularly interested in the following matters: 

(a) They have heard that there are advantages to trading as a company but they suspect

that there are also disadvantages. 

(b) The procedure for setting up the company

(c) How soon the company can commence business?

Advise Ted and Gordon on the above matters.

4. Please read the details of the following case:

Pharmaceutical Soc. Of Gt. Britain v Boots Cash Chemist (1952) 2 All ER 456

Please prepare an answer to the following:

Mrs Jones goes into a supermarket. She takes a basket and goes to the pet food section where she selects six tins of cat food, each priced at forty pence, and places them in her basket. She then goes over to the meat section where there is an assistant serving. She orders a half-pound of sliced bacon. The assistant slices it for her, wraps it up, and marks the price on the paper bag in which he places it. Before she reaches the check-out point, Mrs Jones discovers that she has left her purse at home and has no money with which to pay for the goods. Accordingly, she puts the six tins of cat food back on the shelf, and gives the bacon back to the assistant, telling him she has changed her mind and no longer wants it. The assistant, however, refuses to take back the bacon and calls the manager who refuses to let Mrs Jones leave the store until she pays for, or promises to pay for, both the bacon and the cat food.

Advise Mrs Jones

5. Please read the details of the following case:

Victoria Laundry Ltd. V Newman Industries Ltd (1949)

Please prepare an answer to the following:

William has contracted to install a new bakery shaft at Jackie's bakery at a cost of £20,000. However, because William has failed to install the shaft, three months since the contract was due to be completed, Jackie cannot comply with her own contracts with Vicky and Carolyn to deliver large consignments of uncut brown bread and vanilla ice cake. Vicky and Carolyn have paid £1000 and £2000 respectively to Jackie.

Advice William as to the extent of his liability, if any, to Jackie, Vicky and Carolyn.

6. Please read the details of the following cases:

O’Brien v Associated Fire Alarms Ltd (1968)  

Pepper v Webb (1969)

Please prepare an answer to the following:

Noel and Jock are employed by Paco Ltd. as security chief and gardener respectively at the company's Head Office in London. Today, the managing director of Paco Ltd. Instructs Noel that he is being transferred to its Liverpool branch for a year. Noel refuses to go and he is dismissed on the spot. Gillian, the secretary to the managing director, who is in a bad mood, complains about the state of the company's garden and asks Jock to clean it up but Jock loses his temper and says "I couldn't care less about your bloody greenhouse and your sodding plants." Instead of warning him, the managing director dismisses him on the spot.

Advise Noel and Jock

7. (a) What are the major forms of business organisation in Britain?

(b) What are the basic differences between a private company and a partnership


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