Step to writing your Literature Review

The first thing to do is to source all of your available reference materials. Once you have these pieces of information, you should neatly compile them in the order that you wish to use them whilst writing your literature review.
Deciding a Dissertation Title
Once you have your materials prepared, you should decide on a title. It helps to decide on a title before the work is written because it can assist in keeping you on track by referring to it. Straying from the topic is a situation that you should strongly avoid and a title can help to remind you of your aims throughout the review.
Begin with an introduction. This is a great opportunity to discuss what you will be reviewing, your intentions whilst reviewing and then prepare how you intend to move on to the main core of your review. Your introduction can also be used to reference certain important materials, to explain abbreviations and to introduce techniques that you will use throughout the review.
The next stage is to create the internal aspects of your review. This part is often consider the 'middle' of your review, where you carefully lead from your introduction in to your exploration of the subject being reviewed and go on to evaluate the piece.
Once you have completed this stage, you may move on to your conclusion, where you sum up your findings, re-evaluate your initial evaluation and exploration, include facts that you have discovered and finalise your investigation. Once this is done, you can list your source and reference materials and take further steps, such as proofreading and editing your review.