Writing A Research on Digital Healthcare: A PICO/PEO, Qualitative and Quantitative Approach

Digital Healthcare Technologies Research bridges the gap between technological advancement and quality healthcare, shaping the future of medical practices.


Section 1: Understanding the Research Topic

  • Explain the significance of digital healthcare technologies in modern medical practices.
  • Discuss how digital technologies are revolutionizing patient care, safety, and treatment efficacy.

Section 2: Using the PICO/PEO Framework

  • Define PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) and PEO (Population, Exposure, Outcome) frameworks.
  • Provide guidance on how to formulate a research question using these frameworks specifically for digital healthcare technologies.

Section 3: Embracing a Mixed-Methods Approach

  • Explain the importance of using both qualitative and quantitative research methods.
  • Discuss how qualitative data can provide in-depth understanding and quantitative data can offer statistical validation.
  • Offer tips on balancing these methods to provide a comprehensive view of the research topic.

Section 4: Conducting Qualitative Research

  • Guide on conducting interviews, focus groups, and case studies.
  • Discuss the importance of understanding patient and healthcare provider perspectives.

Section 5: Undertaking Quantitative Research

  • Explain methodologies like surveys and data analysis.
  • Discuss how to interpret data to assess the effectiveness of digital healthcare technologies.

Section 6: Compiling and Presenting Research Findings

  • Tips on effectively compiling data from both research methods.
  • Guidance on presenting findings in a coherent and impactful manner.


  • Summarise key takeaways for writing a successful research paper on this topic.
  • Reiterate the importance of integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods for a well-rounded study.


Click here to view a sample paper on 'Providing Safe and Effective Care through the Implementation of Digital Healthcare Technologies.' This sample will give you insights into structuring and executing your research effectively.



This study aims to evaluate the impact of electronic health records (EHRs) on enhancing patient care safety and quality by streamlining patient care process efficiencies.


A systematic review of primary literature was conducted, using the CINAHAL database to select six pertinent studies. These studies were evaluated for quality using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) criteria.


Analysis of the six chosen studies reveals that electronic patient records contribute significantly to recognizing socio-economic disparities, improving EHR usability, enhancing prescription processes, identifying care patterns, and utilizing EHR data in supporting treatment decisions.


The adoption of electronic health record systems within NHS trusts could significantly elevate patient safety and care quality by optimizing the patient care pathway.

Implications for Nursing Practice:

Applying research findings into practice using the PARiHS framework necessitates a comprehensive approach. This includes assessing the evidence's robustness, gauging the healthcare setting's readiness, and effectively facilitating stakeholder engagement in the implementation process.


Digital Health Technology, Electronic Health Record, Digital Transformation, Practice Translation, Multidisciplinary Approach, Care Pathway, PARiHS, Evidence-Based Practice.

The World Health Organization notes that while digital transformation can be disruptive, it also offers opportunities for enhanced healthcare delivery through technologies like IoT, virtual care, AI, remote monitoring, big data, and wearable devices (Dhingra and Dabas, 2020). These innovations facilitate medical data exchange within the healthcare ecosystem, improving diagnosis, digital therapeutics, data-informed treatment, clinical trials, patient-centric care, self-management, and minimizing care errors (Mariano, 2020; Flott et al., 2021).

NHS England's digital health and social care policy underscores the integration of digital technologies into healthcare (Sieck et al., 2021). The NHS has made strides in digital healthcare, evidenced by widespread use of NHS apps, significant logins into the NHS application, and near-universal implementation of electronic patient records across NHS Trusts (Gann, 2019). The UK government's investment in digital healthcare includes substantial funding for electronic patient record systems and digital tools to assist hundreds of thousands in managing chronic conditions from home (GOV.UK., 2022).

Digital health, according to Austin et al. (2021) and Rich et al. (2019), must adhere to principles of accessibility, scalability, transparency, and security. Sheikh et al. (2021) emphasize the need for a strong legal framework to ensure data privacy and security in health data, considering its sensitivity.

For successful digital transformation in healthcare, stakeholder commitment, integrated strategies, effective healthcare solutions, and overcoming implementation barriers are vital (Ricciardi et al., 2019; Loonam et al., 2018). Technologies implemented in the UK include telehealth services, mobile health apps, medical scanners, and electronic health records (Benjamin and Potts et al., 2018; Jones et al., 2019). This study uses the PICO framework to assess the effectiveness of EHRs in improving clinical care management in NHS Trust patients...Read More

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