Guidance on Writing an Evidence-Based Practice Essay in Learning Disability Nursing

Evidence-based practice is the cornerstone of high-quality nursing care and is crucial for advocacy in Learning Disability Nursing.

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing:

This page offers direction for constructing an evidence-based practice essay, particularly within the realm of Learning Disability Nursing. The assignment requires a clear identification and exploration of an area relevant to this specialty.

Developing Your Research Question:

Generate a research question that is specifically relevant to Learning Disability Nursing. This question will guide your inquiry and underpin the journal-style paper you will compose.

Search Strategy:

Implement a search strategy using designated databases, such as CINAHL, PUBMED, PROQUEST, and MEDLINE, to identify six primary research articles. Focus on literature that contributes meaningfully to your chosen topic area.

Literature Review:

Synthesise the findings from your chosen articles. This synthesis should lead to the identification of a key issue or area that could potentially influence practice within a Learning Disability setting.

Implementation Framework:

Discuss the practical application of your findings within a clinical setting, using an appropriate implementation model to address potential challenges and facilitators of change.

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Structure of the Essay:

Your essay should include:

  • Article Title: A succinct, informative title that reflects your chosen research area.
  • Abstract: Summarize your research question, methodology, findings, and conclusions within 200-250 words.
  • Keywords: Select up to six words that encapsulate the essence of your paper.
  • Background: Offer context for your research area and articulate your research question, informed by the PICO or PEO framework.
  • Methods: Describe your search strategy, including database selection and search criteria.
  • Findings: Analyze and synthesize the key points from your research studies.
  • Implementation of Best Practice: Identify a key area from your review that could be applied in clinical practice.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the primary insights from your research and their implications for practice.

Referencing and Document Formatting:

 Adhere strictly to Harvard referencing style with at least 30 references. Format your document with 2.0 line spacing, size 12 Arial font, and include page numbers as footers on all pages. Do not include any personal identifiers within your script.

This guidance aims to support you in producing a research essay that meets academic standards and contributes to the field of Learning Disability Nursing.

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This Guide is in reference to Learning Disability nursing students derived from an academic summative assessment below;

You are required to submit a journal-style paper outlining your chosen area of evidence-based practice.

As part of this assessment, you should generate one research question, which is specifically relevant to your chosen field of nursing.

  • You should devise and implement a related search strategy, utilising appropriate databases.
  • The search to end with the selection of 6 primary source research articles.
  • You should review and synthesise the selected research article's findings.
  • You will identify one key area/issue from your literature review that could potentially be implemented in a practice setting.
  • Use an implementation model, to discuss related issues for successful implementation.
  • Choose one of the topic areas and generate a relevant research question

Structuring the essay

Article title: The title should provide an outline of your chosen area of evidence-based practice, = You will need to come up with a Title from the topic above which will enable you to come up with the research question and the 6 journals require.

This needs to be concise, accurate and informative and 10-15 words long.

Abstract:  The main question, methods, findings, and conclusions of the review (200–250 advised, but words are not included in the overall 3000-word count)

Keywords: Add words that summarise key points of the article (up to 6 words)

Background: Present the background information related to your chosen area of evidence-based practice and the reasons for your review.

Introduce your formulated research question using PICO or PEO (400 - 450 words).

Methods: You will give a brief account of your search strategy, generated from your research question.

This should include the identification of utilised databases, your search terms, exclusion and inclusion criteria, and filters (these areas can be represented as

Table in-text – these are included in the word count).

A brief account of data sifting should be evident, which leads to the clear identification of 6 primary source research articles.

You should utilise an appropriate appraisal tool to review the quality of your six articles, and briefly highlight the tool and the results in-text (450-500 words).


The findings of your six research studies should be analysed and synthesised. Note the main points/themes/issues of the findings in relation to your research question (750 - 800 words)

Implementation of best practice:

Identify a key issue/area from your review of the research findings that could be implemented in clinical practice.

Using an implementation model as a framework, consider how you would implement the approach in practice considering key stakeholders (900 – 1000 words)


Complete your article with a brief conclusion drawing together the key ideas that specifically answered your research question and summarise the implications of your findings for practice (200 – 250 words).

Referencing – should follow Harvard referencing, with a minimum of 30 references. 

Please note: There are no appendixes in this essay, as the research should reflect a journal article style paper.  

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