Collaborative Working for Health and Well-being in Mental Health Essay Question
Health improvement resource with accompanying rationale
1. Introduction
A brief overview of the scope of the rationale and what areas you are going to address.
Identification and rationale for the aspect of health you have chosen to focus on for your health improvement resource that you have produced.
Learning Outcomes
- Appraise critically the principles and evidence base
This means you need to critically consider the principles underpinning, shared decision making and collaborative and practice of shared decision making and collaborative working. working with explicit reference to and critique of
contemporary literature, statistics and national guidelines. Evidence of the benefits and any limitations should be provided and the context of mental health service users provided.
Ensure that your focus is on collaborative working between clinicians and service users – not MDT working
- Analyse critically and synthesise the factors This
means you need to outline the key physical health risksinfluencing the physical health of mental health service experienced by people with SMI. You need examine the users evidence base around the factors that impact on the
physical health of people with SMI with reference to contemporary
statistics and evidence.
To synthesise simply means combining. Instead of summarizing the main points of each source in turn, you put together the ideas and findings of multiple sources in order to make an overall point. An area of health need should be identified that relates to your health resource.
- Evaluate critically the collaborative, psychosocial
This means you should provide evidence for and evaluate approaches available to improve mental and physical examples of collaborative psychosocial approaches which well-being. improve health and wellbeing. Examples could be
psychosocial approaches to support self- management, health coaching,
cognitive behavioural approaches. Your analysis should inform the development of your chosen health resource.
Provide a clear rationale as to the collaborativepsychosocial approach that underpins your health resource.
- Examine critically the principles and values Consider
critically any relevant professional or underpinning the role of the nurse in supporting people to ethico-legal principles or values relating to the role of
make informed choices when managing their health and the MHN
in supporting informed choice with reference to your well-being. health improvement resource. This may include but not be limited to consideration of the NMC Code (NMC 2018). Issues that could be considered could include communication, empowerment. informed consent, how to enable participation,
ensuring accessible information, promoting autonomy and so on. Consider how the resource you have designed can be used to facilitate working collaboratively with service users to support them to make informed choices when managing their health and well-being.
- Synthesize a resource which promotes health and Design
and develop a resource (for example web page, poster, well-being based on collaborative principles work-book, activity programme, app, podcast, leaflet etc.). The resource should be aimed at health improvement for people who use mental health services. It could be developed for use by service users or the clinician and should support a collaborative approach to care, self-management or shared decision making. Consider how this resource would be
implemented in practice Conclusion Provide a succinct summary of your main
discussion points. Do not introduce any new issues/concepts that have not been
considered in the main body of the essay.
View Collaborative Working for Health and Well-being in Mental Health ESSSAY SAMPLE