Essay Sample
Public Health, OMED 1323 Education, Health & Human Sciences
Learning Outcomes;
- Understand the increasing importance of health-related behaviour change;
- Demonstrate an awareness of health-related behaviour change theories in the context of public health;
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the use behaviour change theory in public health policy; and how this may or may not address behaviours formed as part of primary and secondary socialisation.
Essay Guide
The 1000 word essay allows students to be able to articulate the theories and applications of behaviour change in a structured way that is a transferable skill and a necessary skill within public health.
- Guidelines for the assessment
Choose a public health policy and explore how it may be underpinned by and promotes, behaviour change theory and behaviour change.
Suggested Structure
The word count for each section should be used as a rough guide:
- 100 words - Introduction – Here you introduce your subject (health related behaviour) before you described what the reader can expect in the rest of your essay
- 200 words – increasing importance of health-related behaviour change in public health
- 250 words – presentation of health-related behaviour change theories in the context of public health
- 350 words - use behaviour change theory in public health policy and how this may or may not address behaviours formed as part of primary and secondary socialisation
- 100 words – Conclusion - Here you just need to summarise briefly what you have said in the main body of your work above to confirm that what you set out at the start in your introduction has indeed been completed. No new information should be in this section.