Leadership & Governance - Grammarholic
Leadership & Governance - Grammarholic

Leadership & Governance


Executive Master of Business Administration 

Essay Sample (500 words).


Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit, you should

  • Be able to explain Leadership Schools.
  • Be able to explain Governance.
  • Be able to explain Public Administration & Challenges of Globalisation.
  • Be able to explain Human Resource Leadership.
  • Be able to explain Globalisation & Leadership Challenges.
  • Be able to explain Leadership Theories.
  • Be able to explain Organisational Culture & Leadership.
  • Be able to explain E-Governance.
  • Be able to explain Crisis Leadership.
  • Be able to explain Capacity Building & Challenges.

View Essay Questions

Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic
Financial Accountant CV - Grammarholic

Financial Accountant CV


Job perfect accountant CV template. Instant download and edit this CV template designed for a Financial accountant. This CV can be used for qualified accountants looking for a senior accounting role.

This CV Template Includes;

  • 1-2 page CV
  • Fully editable CV compatible on MS Word.doc

  • 2 CV templates

  • A4

  • Icons pack

  • Helpful Instructions to customise your CV and make it your own!

Public Health in Action Report - Grammarholic
Public Health in Action Report - Grammarholic

Public Health in Action Report


Public Health in Action Report Sample

Law, Professional Practice Research Report

Learning Outcomes;


  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Mergers and Acquisitions Report Question

In the context of the share purchase acquisition of private limited companies, to what extent do you consider that the current approach to due diligence, disclosure and contractual protections in England and Wales achieves the correct balance between “caveat emptor”, protection of the seller’s commercial information and protection for the buyer.

In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. An outline of the current approach within England and Wales.

2. Current trends affecting the extent of due diligence and the protection available to the buyer.

3. The advantages and disadvantages for the seller and buyer of the current approach compared to the approach in civil law countries.

4. Formulate reasoned proposals for how the approach within England and Wales might be changed and what those changes might achieve.


Mergers and Acquisitions Title - Grammarholic
Mergers and Acquisitions Title - Grammarholic

Mergers and Acquisitions Title


Mergers and Acquisitions Report Sample

Law, Professional Practice Research Report

Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Intellectual Property Law - Grammarholic
Intellectual Property Law - Grammarholic

Intellectual Property Law


Intellectual Property Law Report Sample

Law, Professional Practice Research Report

Learning Outcomes;


  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Intellectual Property Law Title

Analyse the impact which the Digital Copyright Directive (“the Directive”) will have on stakeholders in, and consumers of, copyrighted material within the EU. Evaluate whether it strikes an appropriate balance between the rights of copyright owners and internet platforms such as news aggregators, search engines and website owners. In preparing your report you need to deal with the following instructions:

1. Provide a critique of the system prior to introduction of the Directive which should centre on whether the balance referred to above existed. You should give an overview of the problems with the use of copyrighted material which the Directive aims to solve.

2. Explain the key highlights of the Directive, concentrating on its most notable provisions. You should analyse the arguments for and against the inclusion of these provisions.

3. Give your opinion as to the likely success or otherwise of the Directive.


Immigration Law - Grammarholic
Immigration Law - Grammarholic

Immigration Law


Report Sample

Law, Professional Practice Research Report

Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Immigration Law Title

Discuss how section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 affects a decision maker’s approach to the credibility of an asylum seeker.

Consider what arguments immigration practitioners can make on behalf of their clients applying for asylum when one or more of the provisions of section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 are relied on by a decision maker.

In your opinion, should section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 be repealed or amended and why? In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. The purpose of and justification for section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004.

2. How section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 affects a decision maker’s approach to the credibility of an asylum seeker.

3. The arguments immigration practitioners can make on behalf of their clients applying for asylum when section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 is relied on by a decision maker.

4. Your proposals and rationale for repealing or amending section 8 of The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004.


Family Law - Grammarholic
Family Law - Grammarholic

Family Law


Report Sample

Law, Professional Practice Report

Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Family Law Report Question

To what extent does the current law on surrogacy in England and Wales protect the interests of the child involved, the surrogate mother and the intended parents? Critically evaluate whether the law in this area should be reformed? Formulate any reasoned proposals for how, in your view, the law could be improved In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. The development of the law regarding surrogacy.

2. The current law on surrogacy.

3. A review of the literature to assess the pros and cons of the current system and proposals for reform. 4. Your proposals and rationale for any further reform.


Criminal Litigation Alternative - Grammarholic
Criminal Litigation Alternative - Grammarholic

Criminal Litigation Alternative


Criminal Litigation Alternative Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task.

Criminal Litigation Alternative Question

“The rule against the admission of hearsay evidence is fundamental. It is not the best evidence and it is not delivered on oath. The truthfulness and accuracy of the person whose words are spoken to by another witness cannot be tested by cross-examination, and the light which his demeanour would throw on his testimony is lost. Nevertheless, the rule admits of certain carefully safeguarded and limited exceptions,…” per Lord Normand in R v Teper [1952] A.C. 480

The Criminal Justice Act 2003 and resulting case law on the admissibility of hearsay evidence made some significant changes to the hearsay rule. To some it suggests that the risks associated with hearsay evidence have been ignored along with marginalising the defendant’s right to a fair trial.

You are required to present an advice to a group of Crown Prosecution Service trainee solicitors (known as Associate Prosecutors) on the impact of the 2003 Act on the admissibility of hearsay evidence and whether it has ignored the risks traditionally associated with hearsay evidence and marginalised the defendant’s right to a fair trial.


1. The historic basis and rationale for the law on hearsay, including the traditional risks associated with hearsay evidence and the rational for exercising caution.

2. The current law on the admissibility of hearsay evidence in criminal trials including what the present safeguards are.

3. A review of the literature and the cases which have gone before the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights and the difference in approach taken by these courts in relation to the sole and decisive test and the resulting tension this has caused.

4. A consideration of the extent to which the risks associated with hearsay evidence along with the defendant’s right to a fair trial have been ignored by the 2003 Act and the courts.

5. Your advice to Associate Prosecutors on what approach they should adopt when using hearsay evidence, with particular reference to using absent witness statements at trial.

6. Your own proposals for reform of this area of law, including the rationale.

Personal Injury - Grammarholic
Personal Injury - Grammarholic

Personal Injury


Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Personal Injury Report Question

A discount rate is used when calculating lump sum awards for future financial losses. Describe what the discount rate is and the reasons for and impact of any recent change to the rate.

Consider practitioner arguments (on behalf of their clients) as to whether the discount rate should reduce, increase or remain as it is.

Critically evaluate whether awarding compensation, for future financial losses, in the form of a lump sum using a discount rate is fair. In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:-

1. Describe what the discount rate is;

2. The reasons for any recent change(s) to the rate;

3. The impact of any such change(s);

4. Practitioner arguments (on behalf of their clients) as to whether the discount rate should reduce, increase or remain as it is; and

5. Critically evaluate whether awarding compensation, for future financial losses, in the form of a lump sum using a discount rate is fair.


Commercial Law Title - Grammarholic
Commercial Law Title - Grammarholic

Commercial Law Title


Commercial Law Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task.

Commercial Law Report Question

To what extent does the current legislation adequately protect small businesses when they purchase goods and services from larger multi-national businesses? Your answer should focus on either the relevant terms implied by statute or on the legislation that deals with the exclusion of liability. Formulate reasoned proposals for how, in your view, the system could be improved.

In preparing your report you need to address the following areas in relation to either the relevant terms implied by statute or the legislation that deals with the exclusion of liability:

1. The historic basis and rationale for legislation on sales of goods and services to business customers.

2. The current rules governing purchases made by business customers.

3. A review of the literature to assess the pros and cons of the current system and proposals for reform.

4. Your proposals including the rationale and how they compare to other jurisdictions.

5. What those proposals would achieve by reference to striking a balance between competing considerations.

Business Title - Grammarholic
Business Title - Grammarholic

Business Title


Business Title Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task

Banking Question

To what extent does the present law relating to the formation, registration and priority of security interests in commercial transactions strike an appropriate balance between the interests of creditors, competing creditors, and debtors? Formulate reasoned proposals for how, in your view, the system of secured commercial transactions could be improved.

In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. The historic basis and development of the law relating to the formation, registration and priority of security interests;

2. The current rules governing the formation, registration and priority of security interests;

3. A review of the literature to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the current law and proposals for reform;

4. Your proposals (including the rationale) and how they compare to other jurisdictions; and

5. What those proposals would achieve by reference to striking a balance between the interests of creditors, competing creditors, and debtors

Banking - Grammarholic
Banking - Grammarholic



Banking Report Sample


Learning Outcomes;

  • Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the relevant area
  • Analysis of complex legal, factual, business and/or management issues, as appropriate
  • Application of knowledge and understanding to the task
  • Ability to select and use appropriate information in support of the argument
  • Ability critically to evaluate information as appropriate
  • Ability to reach a clear and reasoned solution to the problem(s) raised in the task, addressing any ethical and commercial issues, as appropriate
  • Ability to communicate using a clear and logical structure and language appropriate to the task.

Banking Report Question

To what extent does the present law relating to the formation, registration and priority of security interests in commercial transactions strike an appropriate balance between the interests of creditors, competing creditors, and debtors? Formulate reasoned proposals for how, in your view, the system of secured commercial transactions could be improved.

In preparing your report you need to address the following areas:

1. The historic basis and development of the law relating to the formation, registration and priority of security interests;

2. The current rules governing the formation, registration and priority of security interests;

3. A review of the literature to assess the advantages and disadvantages of the current law and proposals for reform;

4. Your proposals (including the rationale) and how they compare to other jurisdictions; and

5. What those proposals would achieve by reference to striking a balance between the interests of creditors, competing creditors, and debtors.

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